Reprinted from:
SCCM Log file reference:
Basic Powershell Commands :
# 1.Below Command Displays Site Server Name, SiteCode And Site Version
Get-CMSite | Select ServerName, SiteCode, Version
# 2.Below Command Displays Roles installed on Primary Site Server ( )
Get-CMSiteRole -SiteSystemServerName | Select RoleName
# 3. Below Command Displays the list of users present in MECM Database
Get-CMUser | Select Name
# 4. Below Command Displays the list of Devices present in MECM Database
Get-CMDevice | Select Name
# 5. Below Command Displays the list of Packages in MECM
Get-CMPackage -fast | Select Name
# 6. Below Command Displays the list of Applications in MECM
Get-CMApplication | Select LocalizedDisplayName
# 7. Below Command Displays the list of Boundaries and their value in MECM
Get-CMBoundary | Select DisplayName, Value
# 8. Below Command Displays the list of Boundary Groups in MECM
Get-CMBoundaryGroup | Select Name
# 9. Below Command Displays the list of Compliance Baseline Name and its compliance result in MECM
Get-CMBaseline | Select LocalizedDisplayName, ComplianceCount, NonComplianceCount
# 10. Below Command Displays the list of All deployments made in MECM
Get-CMDeployment | Select ApplicationName, CollectionName, DeploymentTime
Powershell Commands To Create User Collections
New-CMUserCollection -Name 'New York Users' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Users'
New-CMUserCollection -Name 'Mumbai Users' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Users'
New-CMUserCollection -Name 'London Users' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Users'
New-CMUserCollection -Name 'Mexico Users' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Users'
New-CMUserCollection -Name 'Brazil Users' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Users'
Powershell Commands To Create Device Collections
New-cmdevicecollection -Name 'Brazil Computers' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Systems'
New-cmdevicecollection -Name 'New York Computers' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Systems'
New-cmdevicecollection -Name 'Mumbai Computers' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Systems'
New-cmdevicecollection -Name 'London Computers' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Systems'
New-cmdevicecollection -Name 'Mexico Computers' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Systems'
Create Device collections in sccm using powershell and move it to a specific folder
#Step 1 : Create Folders
New-Item -Name 'Google Chrome' -Path 'PS1:\DeviceCollection'
New-Item -Name 'Firefox' -Path 'PS1:\DeviceCollection'
New-Item -Name '7zip' -Path 'PS1:\DeviceCollection'
New-Item -Name 'Mremote' -Path 'PS1:\DeviceCollection'
New-Item -Name 'VLC Media Player' -Path 'PS1:\DeviceCollection'
New-Item -Name 'Visio' -Path 'PS1:\DeviceCollection'
#Step 2 : Create Device Collections
New-CMDeviceCollection -Name 'Google_Chrome_Device_Collection' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Systems'
New-CMDeviceCollection -Name 'Firefox_Device_Collection' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Systems'
New-CMDeviceCollection -Name '7zip_Device_Collection' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Systems'
New-CMDeviceCollection -Name 'Mremote_Device_Collection' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Systems'
New-CMDeviceCollection -Name 'VLC_Media_Player_Device_Collection' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Systems'
New-CMDeviceCollection -Name 'Visio_Device_Collection' -LimitingCollectionName 'All Systems'
#Step 3 : Define Variables
$Collection1 = Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name 'Google_Chrome_Device_Collection'
$Collection2 = Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name 'Firefox_Device_Collection'
$Collection3 = Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name '7zip_Device_Collection'
$Collection4 = Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name 'Mremote_Device_Collection'
$Collection5 = Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name 'VLC_Media_Player_Device_Collection'
$Collection6 = Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name 'Visio_Device_Collection'
#Step 4 : Move collections into a specified folders
Move-CMObject -InputObject $Collection1 -FolderPath 'PS1:\DeviceCollection\Google Chrome'
Move-CMObject -InputObject $Collection2 -FolderPath 'PS1:\DeviceCollection\Firefox'
Move-CMObject -InputObject $Collection3 -FolderPath 'PS1:\DeviceCollection\7zip'
Move-CMObject -InputObject $Collection4 -FolderPath 'PS1:\DeviceCollection\Mremote'
Move-CMObject -InputObject $Collection5 -FolderPath 'PS1:\DeviceCollection\VLC Media Player'
Move-CMObject -InputObject $Collection6 -FolderPath 'PS1:\DeviceCollection\Visio'
Create Direct Rule Device collections in sccm using powershell
$collectiondir = "C:\Users\sccmadmin\Desktop\Kashif"
$collectionname = "New York Laptops"
$computers = Get-Content "C:\Users\sccmadmin\Desktop\Kashif\PC_List.txt"
New-CMDeviceCollection -Name $collectionname -LimitingCollectionName "All Systems"
foreach($computer in $computers) {
try {
Add-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule -CollectionName $collectionname -ResourceId $(get-cmdevice -Name $computer).ResourceID
catch {
"Invalid client or direct membership rule may already exist: $computer" | Out-File "$collectiondir\$collectionname`_invalid.log" -Append
Create Query Rule Device collections in sccm using powershell
# 1. Define Variables
$collectiondir = "C:\Users\sccmadmin\Desktop\Kashif"
$collectionname = "All Windows 10 Computes"
$Query = "select * from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.OperatingSystemNameandVersion like '%workstation%'"
# 2. Create New Collection#
New-CMDeviceCollection -Name $collectionname -LimitingCollectionName "All Systems"
# 3. Add members in the collection using query rule method#
Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule -CollectionName $collectionname -QueryExpression $Query -RuleName 'Query1'
Packaging Cisco Anyconnect with Java as a pre-requisite using Powershell App Deployment Toolkit (PSADT)
#Install Java :
$setup = Start-Process "\\sccmps\source\Applications\JRE\jre-8u192-windows-x64.exe" -ArgumentList "/s" -Wait -NoNewWindow
#Uninstall Java :
$app = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Java 8 Update 221 (64-bit)"}
Create And Deploy Application In Using Powershell
#1. Define Variables
$appname = "Application Name"
$publisher = "Vendor"
$version = "Version"
$location = "Application Location"
$collname = "Collection Name"
$description = "Description"
$icon = "Icon Location"
$dp = "DP Name"
$install = "Install Command Line"
$uninstall = "Uninstall Command Line"
#2. Create New Application
New-CMApplication -Name $appname -Description $description -SoftwareVersion $version -Publisher $publisher -AutoInstall $true -IconLocationFile $icon -Verbose
#3. Add Deployment Type
Add-CMMsiDeploymentType -ApplicationName $appname -ContentLocation $location -InstallationBehaviorType InstallForSystem -InstallCommand $install -UninstallCommand $uninstall
#4. Distribute The App To DP
Start-CMContentDistribution -ApplicationName $appname -DistributionPointName $dp -Verbose
#5. Deployment
New-CMApplicationDeployment -CollectionName $collname -Name $appname -DeployAction Install -DeployPurpose Available -UserNotification DisplayAll -AvailableDateTime (Get-Date) -TimeBaseOn LocalTime -Verbose